December 15, 2023 (2y ago)

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West End: The Medley

The 2023 JFS Winter Production which I co-directed and designed the lighting and sound for.

West End: The Medley

We'll start in December 2023. We had just finished our JFS 2022 Winter Production: High School Musical. We knew that there was not going to be music involvment or drama direction in next years show, and that it had to either be student run or there would be no show at all. So, my co-director and I decided that we would organise and direct a show, while also studying for our A-Levels.

As we started planning, we started to look at productions which were available for us to perform, but, we decided that a medley of musicals would be the best decision for the school at the time. At this time, it was May... I had just finished my GCSEs and had been coming into school for extra tech events. This meant that I was able to start organising dates for the show. I started to approach our SLT (Senior Leadership Team) and we came to the conclusion that the end of the winter term would be the best time.

Then... summer came, I had just left for tour (around europe), and we had a starting point for the songs involved, but, we needed to improve it.

West End: The Medley Intial Song List

More coming soon.




Need more project details, or interested in working together? Reach out to me directly at I'd be happy to connect!

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